

Jerusalem Journal of Archaeology (JJAR) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal publishing original papers on the archaeology and cultural history of the Levant and adjacent regions. As an online, university-based journal, JJAR’s contributors enjoy the benefits of rapid publication and wide exposure, free of charge.

The Journal accepts papers dealing with all aspects of the ancient Near East and Levantine archaeology from the Lower Paleolithic to the present. The editors particularly welcome original interdisciplinary studies that incorporate methodologies of various fields—e.g., ancient texts, art history, geomorphology, paleontology, chemistry, anthropology, geography, and digital humanities—to open new horizons of archaeological research.

Papers submitted to JJAR should be no more than 12,000 words long (including bibliography). However, in exceptional cases, longer manuscripts will be considered. JJAR also publishes special thematic issues devoted to conference proceedings and topics of particular interest. These issues will be singled out as special issues spearheaded by a guest editor. To propose a special issue of JJAR, please use this form

JJAR follows a strict double-blind peer-review process and applies it resolutely to all manuscripts and publication formats.


Detailed Process of Evaluation:

1. Upon receipt, every submission will be confirmed by email. Note, JJAR considers the submission to imply that all authors approve of the manuscript.

2. The managing editor will evaluate the manuscript to verify that it answers all necessary formal requirements (e.g., scope, maximum number of words, style of bibliographic references, and language).

2. An anonymized version of the manuscript will be submitted to the discretion of two referees or more.

3. Upon receiving the referees’ feedbacks, an editorial decision will be made, determining whether a manuscript is (a) accepted, (b) accepted with minor revisions, (c) calls for major revisions before reconsideration, or (d) rejected.

4. The editorial decision will be communicated to the corresponding author by email. The editors strive to do this within 90 days of the submission confirmation.

5. Authors will be expected to submit revised manuscripts within 60 days of the editorial decision.

6. Revised and resubmitted manuscripts will be handled at the editors’ discretion. However, the editors retain the right to send a resubmitted manuscript to be reviewed a second time.


Publication Ethics:

JJAR adheres to the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

All papers must include the following statements and provisions:

  1. Sources of funding, if applicable (to be stated in the acknowledgments).
  2. Excavation or survey licenses, if applicable (to be stated in the acknowledgments).
  3. A declaration on matters of competing interests the authors might have, whether personal, financial, or professional (to be stated on the title page).
  4. If necessary, permission to publish images, illustrations, and other artworks, for which the authors do not own the copyright (to be provided as attachments to the submission email).